All About Early Morning Wakings
What I find more often than not, is that parent’s don’t fully understand what an early morning is or why it’s happening. In our culture it’s become this parenting joke that kids wake up before the sun does and that’s just the way they operate. This is NOT TRUE!!!!!!
Kids can and will sleep until a reasonable hour, I promise. In this article I’ll discuss
what does and does not constitute as an early morning waking,
why early morning wakings occur
how to combat early mornings
how to break an early to bed early to rise sleep cycle
**Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Nightmare or Night Terror?
Nightmares and Night Terrors. I see the two get interchanged a lot in mom groups on both the internet and in person. Like teething, I feel that nightmares and night terrors get a bad rep for being the “reason” a child (especially an infant) wakes up screaming and crying. Also like teething, even if these sleep disturbances are occurring, there is most likely more to the story. So how do you know what your child is experiencing, why they are experiencing it, and what to do about it?
This blog will teach you the difference between nightmares and night terrors along with how to combat both so everyone gets a good night sleep.

My Cup Runneth Over
I found myself in this space where I was angry all the time. I was slamming the dryer door and crying as I wiped the mud off the floor. My emotional cup was already teetering over the edge and these minor inconveniences? They were causing it to overflow.
My cup runneth over.
It took me awhile to realize what was going on. I would lash out about these minor things and talk about how I was exhausted and everything was going wrong. It felt like a never-ending cycle.

Books Vs. Consultant
You may be wondering if hiring a sleep consultant is really worth it. After all, there are countless books on the subject and books usually cost 20.00 or less.
It’s a great question to ask. It’s a very valid question to ask. That’s why I want to break down the difference between books and consultants when it comes to pediatric sleep.
How are we different? How are we the same? And ultimately, I hope to answer the question: Which one is right for your family?

I’m a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and I Don’t Believe in “Bad Habits”
I’m a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and I Don’t Believe in “Bad Habits:”